

I live in my own fantasy world.

Everyone wants to be a Mustang – Reasons to Go to Western

Everyone Wants to Be a MUSTANG

Reasons you should go, or should have gone to Western

In Canada, we have far less options to get that real life “University Experience” we so desperately seek after watching Hollywood movies where attractive young adults wander around big campuses and attend wicked house parties. Although that’s not the only reason we pursuit a secondary education, let’s face it… there’s a HUGE difference between going to your local college and living away for school.


Although there are people who attend big universities who still live at home, these schools gain their party reputations mainly from the students who live off-campus, flood the bars downtown, and host legendary parties.

Of course, don’t choose a school solely based on the amount of keggers you plan to attend by the end of freshman year. There is a balance you quickly need to learn between enjoying the social life and getting your work done so you don’t flunk out after first year.

The University of Western Ontario, or as it is now called “Western University” was a wicked chapter of my life, and I think at the end of the day out of the options I had for my very limited program, Media Studies, I made the right decision.

So here’s the reasons why if you’re a youngin’ looking for Canadian colleges, or someone wondering if they missed out on the university experience, here’s the reason you should, or should have attended Western.

1. We Host Epic Homecomings

Every year in October, Alumni from decades ago return to London to celebrate Western’s notorious homecoming. It is a combination of professional mixers, sophisticated networking events, and social activities hosted by the university.  All freshman are encouraged to attend the football game and partake in the parade. For current students it’s a wild time where Homecoming Saturday you can expect to see young adults stumbling around downtown London and the residential houses dressed in purple. If you’ve never attended a “Pancake Kegger”, this will be your first opportunity to drink beer at 10am while eating pancakes.

2. Infinite Clubs for Every Interest

When I say clubs, I’m not referring to nightlife scene on Richmond Row. I’m talking the plethora of opportunities you have to get involved and be part of a smaller community within the Western student body by joining an cfficial Club. Improv Club, Line Dancing, groups embracing a race or religion- you don’t need to practice specific traditions to be a part of these clubs, you can learn about a culture which is new to you. Whether you join for networking to be involved with people in your faculty, or join Western’s Drinking Team- I believe they call themselves the ‘Spirit Team’-you can easily find a social life when you attend Clubs Week each semester.

3. Richmond Row

Ah yes, Richmond Row. Though certain clubs like Rouge-as it was called and has probably changed names a half a dozen times since I lived in London- Thorny Devils, Cobra, and whatever that country bar was called, were well-known faves of the Western bar stars, Richmond Street was the place we all knew the action happened. Just a short cab ride from campus, Richmond Street was home to legendary bars such as The Ceeps and The Barking Frog. Everyone knew you didn’t go to Jack’s until you had your personal official ID cause somehow every fake was taken and never returned. Those who lived in this area probably had the best memories, but whether or not they graduated on time is another story.

4. Legendary Spring Breaks

Although these are not officially organised through the university, the Western student body and affiliated promoters of the London  nightlife scene organise trips to places like Cancun and Peurto Plata every year. You may think, “Why would I pay more for a trip when I can organise it myself”? Well, form attending these Spring Break experience s three times in my life, once in Grade 12, once at Western and once during American Spring Break, I can tell you, the memories are worth the extra money. Someone else handles all the arrangements and you’re guaranteed to be in the same places and on the same schedule as a bunch of other kids with the intention to socialised and have a good time. Western is known for out-partying other schools on these vacations.

5. Mustang Pride

During O-Week in my first year, I was amazed to see the actual live mustang horse rode around the football field during our home opener game. Western is every schools enemy, and there’s a reason- because everyone wants to go here. Mustang Alumni have many options to remain active, and host events frequently not only in London, but in Toronto. Wherever you are in the world, when you see a Mustang shirt or sweater, you can be sure to make the “W” with your fingers and the person will happily do it back.

6. Huge Campus

Although London isn’t exactly a place you want to wander around in the wintertime, you get used to bundling up and going between classes. When the weather is nice, the campus is beautiful and full of old-looking buildings and pretty areas to relax. It’s fun getting to learn all of the different buildings and where the best coffee shops and hangouts are. You’ll have fun crossing paths with the same faces every day for a semester but not knowing who they are until you bump into them at a random party or at the bar.

7. Great Professors

Of course with a reputation for being a highly academic school, Western has some of the best professors who are very passionate about their field of study. Talk to older students who have taken classes to find out which professors are the best and what type of class is right for you. Some of my professors were so enjoyable I felt like I was in an educational stand up comedy show every class.

8. Public Transport Made Easy

When you live in London for school, it’s pretty rare to have a car. The busses are really easily, with the main 3 routes running from the campus to downtown. All you need is your student card and bus pass, and you can go anywhere in the city. There’s plenty of options for malls, restaurants, and services only a few stops from the campus. Venturing out of “student town” into the larger London, that might be more effort, but when you live in the “Western Bubble” the LTC (London Transit Commission) is a breeze- unless of course they strike like they did my first year in 2009.

9. Huge Selection of First Year Residences

If you go to Western, you have to do live in “rez”. Although you have staff governing your actions and attempting to police you during O-Week (orientation week for first years), most people manage to have a pretty epic experience. The student housing system matches you and your roomies with a pretty in-depth questionnaire.

There’s several types of residences including shared dorms with shared bathrooms, semi-suites where you share double rooms and a bathroom with another double room, or full on private suites with a mini kitchenette. I lived in Perth, where I shared a big double room and shared a bathroom with the girls next door.

Even if you wind up in Saugeen, the infamous party building with the smallest rooms, it’s an integral part of the social experience to live in residence where you’ll meet people, share meals in the cafeteria, and just have company whenever you need it. If I could find housing like this for adults, I’d live there…. guess I have to wait til retirement for that.

10. Wide Range of Classes and Programs

Undergrad is a time to experiment in classes not only for your major, but within other faculties too. Depending on how many mandatory courses you have in your schedule, you can gain valuable knowledge and experience in subjects which are not only interesting, but useful in the work force too. You’ll be required to take a science, humanities, and social science in first year, and you can choose subjects of interest like Astronomy and Philosophy. Fun courses like ‘Listening to Music’ are a blast and are rumoured to lighten your work load. Successful completion of writing, business and basic math courses are an asset to have on your resume.

If you’re thinking about which Canadian universities to attend next year, chances are if you don’t choose UWO, you’ll soon become a rival. I’ll save you the trouble now with this well-known saying, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” GOOOOOO WESTERN!

Love from Lala.

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