

I live in my own fantasy world.

Qualities you find when you’ve found ‘The One’

Happy 1 Year Anniversary Post to my

Prince Charming

People who know me, or who follow my blog and have read my “Who the H*ll is this Chick”, know I’ve been single pretty much my entire life.

I mean, it’s not like I chose to be. Since my high school boyfriend of about a year, I’d tried to date, failed so many times, and never had a reason to stay in one place. My twenties have been spent exploring in different countries and cities, with frequent new chapters of my life. Although I had very rewarding experiences, and many good times, nothing is truly amazing when you do it alone.

The first sort of real ‘relationship’ I’d had back in the start of 2018 came to an end, and only a few months later, I happened to find the guy I am with now- Brendan.

We’ve been together a year now on August 9th, since our first awkward Boston Pizza date after we met the August long weekend at his cottage. If you haven’t read the story yet, I suggest  you do. Yesterday, I was telling the story to a man and his wife, he sarcastically said “well isn’t that cute…”. I guess his story of ‘chasing his wife until she caught him’ wasn’t as good (he was a funny guy by the way).

Anyways…It’s been a really rough year for Brendan and I, as we seem to both always have bad luck- the type of scenarios where the story could make Hollywood film producers some blockbuster bucks $$$. We moved out three months ago to our beautiful 1 bedroom apartment, and have been learning a lot about each other. For a couple that’s been through so much together in a short time, and managed to make it this far, I’m proud to say, he’s the one.

These are several qualities and signs I’ve noticed, which makes me know, Brendan isn’t only an amazing catch, but the right one for me:

  1. Willingness to help out around the house

There’s a significant amount of girls I know who complain their partner doesn’t do anything to help around the house. Although I’m a believer in “man roles” and “woman roles”, and enjoy cleaning, tidying and organising, it’s great when I need something done, and my guy is happy to do it. It took a bit of time for him to get used to just how clean I like to keep a place, and how much work goes into it, but together we manage to keep a beautiful home.

2. Care about health and appointments

My guy is never selfish about his own exhaustion or needing to ‘sit for a bit’ when he knows I need care. Recently, I haven’t been driving due to a traumatic experience, so he’s been chauffeuring me around, and even coming early to help me wrap up at work. He also not only is willing to, but wants to go to medical appointments with me, and checks throughout the day to ask how I am. This is something I really was not used to, having been solo for so long.

3. Working out flaws together

We both have a mutual understanding of each others’ pasts. In some ways they are similar, but very different in relationships (or in my case, lack of) and other factors in our personal lives. Things in the past affect the future, but together we’ve agreed to do our research and take the time to fix our own issues, and be able to work well together. Together, we have a lot of the same goals and dreams for the future. When you see someone in your future, you will be willing to change things about yourself for the other person.


4. Love for my family, and loved by them

My Dad, a father of two girls, treats Brendan like a son. It’s great they have things in common, and can talk about Top Gear, and other guy stuff they both like. Since getting older, my Dad isn’t as capable to do the physical work he used to, so it’s nice my guy can do work at the house for my parents.

My Mum just adores him (she likes any good looking ‘young man’, but Brendan especially, as she can see how much he cares and how happy he has made me. Brendan also takes time to talk with my sister, and enjoys being in my family’s company. We both needed space from our families- obviously, because we moved out together- but having parents who support your relationship through thick and thin is a blessing.

5. A match for my sense of humour

Brendan can make me laugh so hard I stop breathing with a simple analogy of what someone looks like, or running with a scenario. I laugh so hard sometimes I sound like a seagull- sometimes even in public. Although he replies “Oh god”, he’s still not embarrassed of my laughing fits. I don’t think I could ever get bored of his company, because his jokes are always something creative and new.

It’s incredible I can also be 100% myself around him- since we met, I was testing how far I could go, and I can say with confidence that anything goes.

6. Honesty of the past, present and future

I am a very honest person, too honest in fact. But there are certain things I would never tell anyone, but I have been able to tell him. Likewise, I know everything about Brendan, and would neither of us pass judgement. It’s key to be able to accept your other half’s past, and help them to fix any problem in the present or future.

7. Supportive of personal achievements and goals

After moving out, and even a month before officially moving into our place in Hamilton, I had been on a painful job hunt. I was applying to full time jobs in the area with a steady salary, in media or marketing. After so many interviews on the phone, in person, doing tests for companies and getting nowhere, Brendan saw how unhappy I was and loosing sleep over a search for employment. As an Electrical Apprentice, he makes a good wage, so he told me I should look for a part-time job I enjoy, and work on my writing business, Rock Diamond Writing & Marketing.

Now I have a part-time job I love at a tanning salon. I’ve been learning a lot about skin care and the science behind the products, and am able to work during the day at home for my writing clients. In turn, I try to do the fair share of the house work, and help my guy out with phone calls, and anything we need done during the day. I’ll be there to help and support Brendan while studying for his final electrical exams, and when he becomes a Journeyman, should he choose to own his own business one day.

8. Change in every positive way

Brendan is a kind and caring person, and strong both physically and mentally. He’s always been someone who is easy to talk to, makes me laugh, and be a best friend. Since moving out, I’ve seen a positive transformation, since he is faced with new challenges, living with a difficult nutcase like me. I’m so proud of him, and because of this, I have a reason to change everything I need to fix about myself.

Urban Dictionary’s Definition of a Power Couple: In a power couple, if one person is flawed, the other person makes up for their weaknesses in strength. Together they are the epitome of what anyone would desire in a relationship. They encourage goodness in the world and make it a better place by being together.

Happy 1 Year Anniversary Brendan.

You’re the one I’ve always wanted, and deserved all along.

Love from your Sunflower – I think I love you too much.

Love from Lala.

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